
University of Brasília (UnB)

Post-Graduate Program - Integrity of Engineering Materials (PPG-Integridade)


Book series in 

Discrete Models, Inverse Methods, & Uncertainty Modeling in Structural Integrity



 Book Series Editors:


     Dr. Ariosto Bretanha Jorge (Leading Editor, Visiting Professor at PPG-Integridade – UnB)

    Dr. Carla Tatiana Mota Anflor (Professor at PPG-Integridade – UnB)

    Dr. Sergio Henrique da Silva Carneiro (Collaborating Professor at PPG-Integridade – UnB)

    Dr. Guilherme Ferreira Gomes (Professor at UNIFEI; member of GMEC/UnB)




Book Series Scope         


This book series is an initiative of PPG-Integridade - UnB, organized as a collaborative work involving researchers, engineers, scholars, from several institutions, universities, industry, recognized both nationally and internationally.

The book series is published as an “Open Access”, non-profit, digital version (pdf), with ISBN from UnB, and with D.O.I. generated for the books and for each chapter separately, with the kind support of LAJSS (https://www.lajss.org/index.php/LAJSS).

The scope of the Book series is related to the broad areas of interest of LAJSS, and also of associations such as ABCM (https://www.abcm.org.br/) and ABMEC (http://www.abmec.org.br/). To increase visibility of the Book Series, initial contacts were made with both associations, ABCM and ABMEC, for further support for the divulgation of the Book Series effort in their websites, as appropriate.

The book series is an activity related to the Research, Development & Innovation (R,D&I) Project at UnB, entitled: “Technological Demonstration Platform for Inverse Methods and Uncertainty Modeling Integrity of Structures and Components”, available at the UnB Central Library (in Portuguese) (https://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/39570).


The books series encompass the relevant project topics, including chapters covering:

·        Fundamentals. Topics covered include: Basic Principles, Concepts & Foundations, for the Direct & Inverse Problems (including model-based and signal-based inverse methods), and for the Modeling of Uncertainties;

·        Special Topics, Applications, and Research Review. Topics covered include: Research Review, State-of-the-art & Future Trend Topics, for the Direct & Inverse Problems (including model-based and signal-based inverse methods), and for the Modeling of Uncertainties.

The different books and/or book chapters were prepared as a collaborative work by researchers, engineers, scholars, involved in research, development and applications in the related areas.

The criteria for the inclusion of books and series of books in the “Portal de Livros Digitais da UnB” can be seen in the link (in Portuguese): https://livros.unb.br/index.php/portal/criterios 

Just for reference, criteria for classification of books and book chapters may be found at BOOK QUALIS (in Portuguese):



Book series scope and Instructions for authors

(Link for full text of instructions and deadlines)


 Template available in *.DOC and *.TeX formats. Download it here 


Book Series Volumes 

  • Volume I – Model-based and Signal-Based Inverse Methods
    • Full book  
    • Chapters
      • Chapter 1. Introduction to Optimization and Identification Techniques for Model-Based and Signal-Based Inverse Problems.                                                                                                                                                     https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c01
      • Chapter 2. Overview of Some Optimization and Identification Techniques for Inverse Problems of Detection, Localization and Parameter Estimation.                                                                                                                              https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c02
      • Chapter 3. An overview of Linear and Non-linear Programming methods for Structural Optimization.                              https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c03
      • Chapter 4. Overview of Traditional and Recent Heuristic Optimization Methods.                                                          https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c04
      • Chapter 5. Application of Machine Learning and Multi-Disciplinary/Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques for Conceptual Aircraft Design.                                                                                                                                              https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c05
      • Chapter 6. On a Bio-Inspired Method for Topology Optimization via Map L-Systems and Fractone Modeling.                    https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c06
      • Chapter 7. Fundamentals on the Topological Derivative concept and its classical applications.                                        https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c07
      • Chapter 8. Ultrasound Obstacle Identification using the Boundary Element and Topological Derivative Methods.                https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c08
      • Chapter 9. Fundamental Concepts on Wavelet Transforms.                                                                                    https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c09
      • Chapter 10. Application of Wavelet Transforms to Structural Damage Monitoring & Detection.                                        https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c10
      • Chapter 11. Inverse Methods using KF, EKF, EIF, PF, and LS Techniques for Detection, Localization, and Parameter Estimation.                                                                                                                                                  https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c11
      • Chapter 12. Fundamental Concepts for Impedance-based Structural Health Monitoring.                                                https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c12
      • Chapter 13. Fundamental Concepts for Guided Lamb Wave-based Structural Health Monitoring.                                    https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c13
      • Chapter 14. Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition: Methods and Applications for Integrity Monitoring of Civil Engineering Structures.                                                                                                                                    https://doi.org/10.4322/978-65-86503-71-5.c14


Virtual Workshop on Models and Methods in Integrity of Structures and Components


  • A divulgation effort for the Book Series, in the format of a Virtual Workshop, is being prepared as a webpage at PPG-Integridade / UnB, containing intended presentations, videos and related materials.
  • Target public: industry and academia professionals, researchers, engineers, professors, scholars.
  • Contributors / speakers include interested chapter co-authors, academia and industry professionals.

         Link for virtual worshop (in Portuguese)